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Lindsay Bell

for City Council 



On Council it is my role to set policy and strategic direction on the long and short term approach to service.

Water and Wastewater services are regulated by other Ministries and as cities we must achieve these regulated requirements.

These are services. Council can require that they be provided with excellent customer service.

I want to be apart of a healthy organization. One that reviews their costs regularly and discusses them in a public meeting to help the community know where their dollars are being allocated.

A strong Asset Management Plan will assist in ensuring our business is in order and will assist us all on balancing priorities.

I am very well versed in strategic planning, the delivery of essential services and what needs to be contributed to support a strong and healthy economic industry

In order to streamline the process and get it to red tape it will take all of Council to work together to ensure there is balance in the costs as we, as a city, implement




Educated & Experienced

I want to create a bylaw to eliminate one use plastics in bars and restaurants.

Establish a model similar to cities who have already implemented it.

I want immediate action taken to clean up unsightly properties.

We must place ashtrays around all major bus stops as they are over run with cigarette butts.


Lets clean up our city together

Kelowna has the lowest vacancy rate in the country. We need to work with Provincial and Federal governments to secure funding to build affordable housing for everyone and place strategically around University, Colleges and public schools. Transit system geared specifically towards the rider with respect to connectivty and shorter waiting time during peak hours. as our population grows, new development must happen simultaneously with new/improved roads and increase in Public parking

Small business is the heart and soul of our community

I believe in investing in our community.

I will support them in every way possible.

Small business creates jobs and tourism: They are essential to our livelihood.

We are only as strong as our Weakest Link.

Let's fix what's broken.

I want a Government that undertakes reform to improve our operations by reducing red tape.

Loosen excessive bureaucracy to rules and formalities that hinders or prevents action or decision making.

I am confident the cities Transportation Master Plan will take us in the direction we need.

I am confident the cities Transportation Master Plan will take us in the direction we need.

I am confident the citizens of Kelowna will always have

access to clean drinking water, monitored so closely by IHA.

Safety and Security of our citizens will take top priority

  • I want Kelowna to be vibrant and safe for our children

  • I have watched the downtown core grow increasingly dangerous for many years, silently hoping for change.  I will not be silent anymore!

  • I want to protect our children from the crime that plagues our city streets

  • The present solution that has been put in place is not working

  • I would lobby our provincial Government to act with urgency to help solve our mental illness and addiction epidemic

  • Center of Gravity, considering the state of our streets, needs to become a 19+ event

  • Cannabis will be legal very soon, we need to act now to implement the same bylaws as smoking cigarettes throughout the city

  • The residents of Agassiz are outraged at the thought of BC supportive housing and the negative impact it will have on their community

  • We must listen to our citizens

  • Planning for any housing strategy should be done as per long term plans with the city and the community and in sync with the OCP so the residents are aware

  • Housing Affordability was the big ticket item at this years 2018 UBCM

  • We need to develop models similar to other communities that are facing the same issue rather than spending significant funds re-inventing the wheel

  • If elected, I will, for the first time in Kelowna assemble a Senior Committee with a member of council acting as liaison

  • Seniors need a voice inside the walls of city hall

  • With the  projected population growth our city streets are beyond capacity

  • Keeping  infrastructure cost up to date when examining the DCC

  • Cost of new roads goes directly to the developer to service the demands of the new development

  • I would further collaborate between neighbouring communities and push our collective agenda with the Provincial Government

    ​Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes

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